Embracing The Spotlight With Center Stage Oil & Candle

Embracing The Spotlight With Center Stage Oil & Candle

From The Void

As a Virgo rising, Leo season is often deeply introspective for me. It's my 12th house transit, where I fall into the depths of my subconscious.

Over my life, i have dealt with being overlooked for my successes. My words, my accomplishments, my trends… I always felt like other people were constantly getting praised for things that I already did along time ago. Things that were essential and deeply rooted in my being.

You have no idea how it feels to have people get the recognition for things you’ve already said and did yet got called weird or crazy for.

With the 12th house being where we self-sabotage, I had to assess the role I played in falling into the background. If I am feeling overlooked or unappreciated, I had to make my presence known. I have to show up, loud and proud, unapologetically.

How can anyone support you if you don't make your self known?

Opposite of Leo we find Aquarius, the sign of the collective. If Leo is the stage, Aquarius is the audience. This audience is who comes to support your success because they believe in your mission & your role in the evolution of society.

I knew with the New Moon in Leo I wanted to capture the intention of being seen and valued for my talents. I wanted to attract more people who are willing to invest in my success. I wanted to embrace the part of me that secretly desires fame, and heal the part of me that shies away from the spotlight. The transits for that day were PERFECT for doing so.

And from that void, we get Center Stage Ritual Oil & Ritual Candle.

About Center Stage Oil & Candle

Perfectly named, this Oil & Candle captures the Star Power qualities of the New Moon in Leo. It is fixed & enchanted to heighten your success and attract relationships of all kinds that support your mission.

When I was formulating these products, the visual of The Emperor tarot card came to my minds eye. Although The Emperor is an Aries card (where the Sun happens to be exalted), it represents everything I wanted these products to embody: a strong leader who exerts their authority over their nation with skill and confidence. 

I've included herbs that enhance confidence, finances, and protects from evil eye.

When You Get Your Products

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." - Matthew 18:20

The best way to ensure these products work at its highest capacity is to mix your magic with my magic by adding your own specific intentions and energetic essence.

I have a video on How To Use Intention Oils on my YouTube channel, and you can apply those same rules to the Fixed Candle. In short, here's a few ways you can add your essence:

  • Pray over your oil whether out loud or written down. If written, roll your written petition up and stick it inside of the bottle or fold it and sit the bottle on top of it with a tea light candle.
  • Allow the oil bottle to charge on your altar or within your sacred space for 3, 6, or 9 days.
  • Add a personal concern to your bottle such as hair, nails, spit, or even blood.
  • Write Your Prayer/Petition directly on the Candle with a sharpie.
  • Write Your Prayer/Petition on a piece of paper, burn it, and add the ashes to the candle. 

      Working With The Oil

      I created the oil to be used as an intentional part of your beauty routine, covering yourself with the magic of attraction and popularity. You can use it either as skincare or in magic rituals.

      • Set the intentions of cleansing off any blockages, fears, or lack mindsets within a regular shower or simply washing your hands. Imagine all of your blockages flowing down the drain.
      • Apply a few drops to your hands, rubbing your palms together and generating warmth. Imagine the sensation of 
      • Apply to your body, listening to the playlist that makes you feel RICH and abundant (theres one linked below!) or reciting affirmations.
      • Go about your day as usual, open and receptive to any and all opportunities. Trust your intuition to guide you towards the opportunties that align.
      • Commit yourself to 1 thing you can do that day to put yourself and your talents out there. 
      • Remember to express gratitude for the opportunities that appear in your life.

                other uses: enchant jewelry, makeup, wallets, purses, and physical money. add a few drops to your diffuser, body lotion, or perfume. add to floor washes, spiritual baths, spiritual waters & colognes, anoint conjure tools, add to oil lamps.

                Be open and creative to how you use this oil! It's YOUR magic, trust your intuition.

                Working With The Ritual Candle

                *make sure you always conduct a divination and consult your spirit team before doing spellwork*

                Center Stage Candle is already fixed with the corresponding herbs & oil, but feel free to add your own if you are confident in your ability to do so. 

                • Take some time to be able to articulate what success means to you and what more recognition would do to benefit the collective. Remember the goal is to use your gifts & spotlight to be the change you'd like to see in the world.
                • Light the candle, and as the flame begins to flicker, visualize your life filled with abundance, financial prosperity, and opportunities for success.
                • Recite your favorite scripture, prayer, or affirmation. Keep your focus on the candle flame and the feeling of abundance for a few minutes.
                • Let the candle burn completely, focusing your intention on it for at least 5-10 minutes every day that it is lit.

                Scriptures for Success

                I know everyone has their own relationship with the Bible, so feel free to omit this section. However, as a Hoodoo lady, the Bible is my favorite place to get spells. Regardless of your personal beliefs, it is one of the most powerful grimoires openly accessible to the entire world, so that collective energy adds power to your work.

                Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."

                Deuteronomy 28:12 "The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow."

                Psalm 1:3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers."

                Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

                Proverbs 11:25 "Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered."

                Hebrews 10:24-25 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

                Best Timing

                • Sunday, ruled by the Sun, for visibility
                • Sun-Jupiter Aspects, to attract visibility & opportunity
                • 1st or 10th house transits, to enhance your presence

                  Apple Music Playlist:

                  When we conduct magic, we are engaging all of our senses and setting the stage (like how i did that? hehe) for the work to manifest itself in reality. Music is one of my favorite ways to do that. Here's a playlist of songs that make me feel like THAT GWORL! (I tried really hard to not make it all Beyonce) 

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