Working With Death By Desire Jezebel Oil

Working With Death By Desire Jezebel Oil

Death By Desire Jezebel Oil was crafted to amplify your allure, command your sovereignty, and draw in the wealth and power you deserve. This oil is not just a tool—it's a ritual in a bottle, designed for those who operate in the shadows of desire and power.

The Astrological Influence: Venus Trine Pluto

The creation of this oil is deeply tied to a powerful astrological event: Venus in Libra forming a trine with Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect is all about deep, transformative connections that go beyond the surface. Venus in Libra brings a harmonious, charming energy, perfect for attracting what you desire, while Pluto adds an intensity that can’t be ignored. Together, they create an almost hypnotic charm, capable of bending others to your will, especially in matters of love and sensuality.

This energy is particularly potent for those in the service industry—whether you're a sex worker, stripper, cam girl, bartender, or any role where charm and sensuality are your tools of the trade. The Venus-Pluto trine gives you the power to not only attract but also to deeply influence those around you, making every connection feel like it’s the most important one.

The Dark Feminine: Black Moon Lilith & the South Node in Libra

Alongside Venus, Black Moon Lilith and the South Node in Libra bring a rebellious, feral energy to this oil. Lilith, the embodiment of the dark feminine, urges you to reclaim your sovereignty and reject the limitations imposed by societal expectations. This energy empowers you to demand what you truly require from your connections without guilt or hesitation.

The South Node in Libra adds a layer of karmic release, allowing you to let go of past patterns where you may have given too much of yourself out of a misguided sense of kindness. This oil is your tool to break free, embrace your dark feminine power, and take control of your desires and your destiny.

The Spiritual Influence: Proverbs 7:21-23

To enhance the mystical potency of this oil, it has been charmed with the energy of Proverbs 7:21-23:

"With much seductive speech she persuades him; with her smooth talk she compels him. All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life."

This verse speaks to the power of persuasion, the ability to captivate and control through charm and allure. The Jezebel Oil channels this energy, helping you to embody the essence of a siren—one who commands devotion and sacrifice from those who seek her favor.

How to Use Death By Desire Jezebel Oil

This oil can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your intentions and desired outcomes. Here are some suggestions to get the most out of its powerful energy:

As a Beauty Oil

  1. Preparation: Begin by cleansing yourself of any doubts or limiting beliefs. As you shower or wash your hands, visualize all negativity washing away.
  2. Application: Place a few drops of the oil in your hands, rubbing them together to generate warmth. Imagine the sensation of holding power in your hands.
  3. Ritual: Bring your hands up to your face and breathe in the sweet, cocoa-like scent. Visualize yourself as the embodiment of dark feminine power—irresistible, commanding, and in control.
  4. Final Steps: Apply the oil to your pulse points, such as your wrists and neck. As you do so, listen to empowering music or recite affirmations that align with your intentions. Go about your job knowing that you are fully in your power, open to receiving wealth and devotion.

As a Conjure Oil

  1. Divination First: Before performing any spellwork, consult your spirit guides or perform a divination to ensure the timing and intentions are aligned.
  2. Candle Ritual: Anoint a green or brown candle with Death By Desire Jezebel Oil. Focus on your intention—whether it’s attracting a wealthy patron, enhancing your allure, or commanding someone’s attention.
  3. Focus and Visualize: Light the candle and spend a few moments visualizing your desired outcome. See the wealth, power, or devotion you seek coming to you effortlessly.
  4. Prayer or Affirmation: Recite your chosen prayer, scripture, or affirmation while focusing on the candle’s flame. Allow the energy of the oil and the flame to work together to manifest your desires.
  5. Completion: Let the candle burn completely. Repeat this ritual as needed to maintain your power and influence.

Additional Uses

  • Enchanting Objects: Anoint your jewelry, makeup, wallets, or business cards with the oil to carry its power with you throughout the day.
  • Enhancing Rituals: Add a few drops to your bath water, floor wash, or oil lamps to infuse your space with its enchanting energy.
  • Empowering Spells: Use in any spellwork where you seek to enhance your allure, command respect, or draw in wealth.

Best Timing for Use

  • Friday: Ruled by Venus, ideal for rituals focused on love, beauty, and attraction.
  • Full Moon: Amplifies the oil's power, especially when used for manifesting desires.
  • Venus-Pluto Aspects: To deepen connections and intensify your allure.
  • Lilith Aspects: To reclaim your power and break free from societal constraints.

Apple Music Playlist


With Death By Desire Jezebel Oil, you’re not just attracting attention—you’re commanding devotion, wealth, and power. Whether you’re using it as a beauty oil or in your conjure rituals, this oil is your key to embracing your dark feminine energy and manifesting the life you desire.

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