Everything You Need To Know About Pluto in Aquarius

On Thursday, March 23rd 2023, Pluto ingresses into Aquarius for the first time since 1798! This transit introduces advances in technology, science, as well as political and societal views. The beginning of this transit will introduce these themes slowly as Pluto continues to retrograde between Capricorn and Aquarius until it finally continues it's trek through Aquarius in 2024.

Read below for more info on Pluto, Aquarius, previous themes, and what to expect for your sign!

Pluto In Aquarius Dates

March 23 to June 11, 2023

Jan. 20, 2024 to Sep. 1, 2024

Nov. 19, 2024 to March 9, 2043

About Pluto

In astrology, Pluto is considered to be a powerful and transformative planet that represents deep transformation, regeneration, and rebirth. It is often associated with the unconscious mind, our deepest desires, fears, and hidden aspects of ourselves.

Pluto is also linked to issues related to power, control, and transformation, particularly in areas such as death, sex, and psychological healing. It is believed to influence our ability to navigate through major life changes and to help us shed old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.

Because of its association with transformation, Pluto is often associated with the process of letting go and surrendering to change, even when it is uncomfortable or painful. In a birth chart, Pluto's placement and aspects can reveal the areas of life where we may face the most profound changes and transformation.

About Aquarius

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, known as the Water Bearer. It is fixed air, ruled by Saturn and Uranus. The water represented in the symbolism of Aquarius depicts the water from the water bearer’s vessel, as a symbol of open-ended spiritual energy. From the vessel washes away the past, leaving room for a fresh, new start. The sign of Aquarius is forward-looking and growth-oriented. Concerned with equality and individual freedom, Aquarius seeks to dispense its knowledge, and its vision of equality and individuality, to all.

Pluto In Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius transit is a period when Pluto, the planet of transformation, passes through the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This transit can bring significant changes and upheavals related to Aquarian themes, such as innovation, progress, and individuality.

During this transit, we may see a significant transformation of technology and communication, as well as changes in social structures and values. We may also experience shifts in our understanding of human consciousness and the workings of the mind.

On a personal level, this transit can bring powerful transformations related to our sense of identity, social connections, and personal beliefs. We may feel a strong urge to break free from societal norms and conventions, seeking greater freedom and individuality. This can be a time of intense personal growth, as we confront and transform deeply ingrained patterns of behavior and beliefs.

However, Pluto in Aquarius transit can also bring challenges and upheavals, particularly if we resist the changes and transformations that are taking place. It's important to stay open-minded and adaptable during this time, and to be willing to confront and transform aspects of ourselves that are holding us back from reaching our full potential.

Major Events During Pluto in Aquarius

  • The North American colonies and the Great Britain fought the War of Independence from 1775 to 1783.
  • Uranus was discovered in 1781.
  • The French Revolution began in 1789.
  • The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791.
  • The Reign of Terror started in 1793.
  • The cotton gin was invented in 1793.

Horoscopes By Sun & Rising

Aries Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 11th House

During Pluto's transit through the eleventh house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your social circle and community involvement. You may be drawn to explore new social connections or may feel a need to make significant changes in your current friendships or community groups. Additionally, you may experience a desire to connect with people who share your values and aspirations for the future, or may feel a need to confront and resolve issues related to group dynamics or peer pressure.

However, Pluto's influence in the eleventh house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to trust, loyalty, and control in relationships. You may confront issues related to power dynamics within groups or may experience feelings of isolation or rejection. You may also need to let go of friendships or social connections that no longer serve your growth and development.

Pluto's transit through the eleventh house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own values and aspirations for the future, and may seek out new forms of community involvement or activism. Additionally, you may develop a deeper sense of personal empowerment and authenticity, as you confront and overcome old patterns of conformity and groupthink.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the eleventh house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around social connections, friendships, and community involvement, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Taurus Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 10th House

During Pluto's transit through the tenth house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your career path and professional goals. You may be drawn to explore new opportunities or may feel a need to make significant changes in your current job or career. Additionally, you may experience a desire to increase your public visibility and status, or may feel a need to confront and resolve issues related to your public image or reputation.

However, Pluto's influence in the tenth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to authority, power, and control. You may confront issues related to workplace dynamics, competition, or even authority figures in your personal life. You may also experience feelings of insecurity or fear around issues of success or failure.

Pluto's transit through the tenth house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own ambitions and desires, and may seek out new forms of professional or personal development. Additionally, you may develop a deeper sense of personal power and confidence, as you confront and overcome old patterns of self-doubt and insecurity.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the tenth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around career, success, and public image, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Gemini Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 9th House

During Pluto's transit through the ninth house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your beliefs and ideas about the world. You may be drawn to explore new spiritual or philosophical beliefs, or you may find yourself questioning and re-evaluating your current beliefs and values. Additionally, you may experience a desire to travel or to explore different cultures and ways of life.

However, Pluto's influence in the ninth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to your beliefs and higher education. You may confront issues related to authority, dogma, or control, either in your personal beliefs or in your academic or intellectual pursuits. You may also experience feelings of restlessness or dissatisfaction with your current situation, and may feel a need to break free from old patterns and beliefs.

Pluto's transit through the ninth house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own spiritual path and purpose, and may seek out new forms of spiritual or philosophical exploration. Additionally, you may develop a deeper sense of personal truth and authenticity, as you confront and overcome old patterns of conformity and groupthink.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the ninth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around spirituality, education, and personal growth, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Cancer Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 8th House

During Pluto's transit through the eighth house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your relationship with shared resources and power dynamics. You may be drawn to explore new investments or financial opportunities, or you may feel a need to confront and resolve issues related to debts, taxes, or inheritances. Additionally, you may experience a deepening of your intimate relationships, with a focus on greater emotional and sexual intensity and intimacy.

However, Pluto's influence in the eighth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to trust, intimacy, and power. You may confront issues related to control, manipulation, or abuse, either in your personal relationships or in your financial or business dealings. You may also experience feelings of vulnerability or fear around issues of death, loss, or transformation.

Pluto's transit through the eighth house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own psychological patterns and emotional wounds, and may seek therapy or other forms of self-exploration to work through these issues. Additionally, you may develop a deeper sense of personal power and empowerment, as you confront and overcome old patterns of control and manipulation.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the eighth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around shared resources, intimacy, and personal power, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Leo Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 7th House

During Pluto's transit through the seventh house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your relationships and partnerships. You may be drawn to explore new romantic connections or to deepen your existing relationships, but you may also encounter power struggles or conflicts that challenge your sense of trust and intimacy. You may also experience changes in your business partnerships or collaborations, and may need to renegotiate or redefine these relationships in order to move forward.

However, Pluto's influence in the seventh house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to your relationships and partnerships. You may become more aware of patterns in your relationship dynamics that are no longer serving you, and may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward. You may also experience power struggles or conflicts that challenge your sense of self-worth and identity.

Pluto's transit through the seventh house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own needs and desires in relationships, and may learn to set healthy boundaries and communicate more assertively. You may also develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion for others, and may become more attuned to the dynamics of power and control in your relationships.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the seventh house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around relationships and partnerships, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Virgo Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 6th House

During Pluto's transit through the sixth house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your work or daily routines. You may be drawn to explore new career paths or work environments, or you may feel a need to take a more holistic and integrative approach to your physical and mental health. You may also experience a deepening of your relationships with co-workers or a need to assert yourself more strongly in your work environment.

However, Pluto's influence in the sixth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to your work or physical and mental health. You may become more aware of patterns in your work or health habits that are no longer serving you, and may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward. You may also experience power struggles in your work environment or encounter people who challenge your sense of competency or skill.

Pluto's transit through the sixth house can also be a time of deep personal growth and transformation. You may become more aware of your mind-body connection and the ways in which your physical and mental health are interconnected. You may also learn to prioritize self-care and develop healthier habits and routines. Additionally, you may become more attuned to your own power and potential in the workplace, and may find yourself drawn to leadership roles or entrepreneurial pursuits.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the sixth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around work, health, and daily routines, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Libra Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 5th House

During Pluto's transit through the fifth house, you may feel a strong urge to express yourself more authentically and creatively. You may be drawn to explore new creative outlets, such as writing, painting, or music, or you may feel a need to express yourself more boldly and assertively in your existing creative pursuits. You may also experience a deepening of your romantic relationships, and may find yourself drawn to intense and transformative connections.

However, Pluto's influence in the fifth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to your self-worth and sense of identity. You may become more aware of patterns in your love life that are no longer serving you, and may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward. You may also experience power struggles in your romantic relationships or encounter people who challenge your sense of self.

Pluto's transit through the fifth house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your values and what truly brings you pleasure and fulfillment, and may learn to trust your inner voice and intuition more deeply. You may also become more attuned to your own power and potential, and may find yourself drawn to self-improvement practices or personal development work.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the fifth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around creativity, love, and self-worth, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Scorpio Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 4th House

During Pluto's transit through the fourth house, you may feel a strong urge to transform your home life or living situation. You may feel a need to create a more secure and stable environment for yourself, or you may be drawn to explore alternative living arrangements or a change of residence. You may also experience a deepening of your family relationships, and may find yourself more connected to your ancestors and your heritage.

However, Pluto's influence in the fourth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to your family or upbringing. You may become more aware of patterns in your family relationships that are no longer serving you, and may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward. You may also experience power struggles with family members or a need to assert your own identity and independence within your family system.

Pluto's transit through the fourth house can also be a time of deep emotional healing and transformation. You may become more aware of your emotional needs and learn to express your feelings more authentically. You may also become more attuned to your intuition and your inner guidance, and may find yourself drawn to spiritual practices or healing modalities.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the fourth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around family and emotional well-being, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 3rd House

During Pluto's transit through the third house, you may feel a strong urge to express yourself more authentically and assertively. You may find yourself exploring new ways of communicating, writing, or expressing yourself creatively. You may also experience a heightened interest in learning and studying, and may be drawn to deep, transformative subjects such as psychology, spirituality, or philosophy.

However, Pluto's influence in the third house can also bring up deep-seated emotional issues related to communication and social interactions. You may become more aware of patterns in your relationships or communication style that are no longer serving you, and may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward.

Pluto's transit through the third house can also bring up power struggles in your social connections or communication. You may encounter people who challenge your beliefs or try to dominate your conversations, or you may find yourself in situations where you need to assert yourself more strongly.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the third house can be a transformative and powerful time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around communication and social connections, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.

Capricorn Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 2nd House

During Pluto's transit through the second house, you may experience major changes in your financial situation or your relationship with money. You may be forced to confront issues around security, abundance, and material possessions, and may need to re-evaluate your priorities and values in this area.

Pluto's influence in the second house can also trigger deep-seated fears or insecurities around money, and you may need to confront and process these feelings in order to move forward. This transit can be a powerful time for personal growth and transformation, as you learn to let go of old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back.

However, Pluto's influence in the second house can also be challenging, particularly if you resist the changes that are happening in your financial situation or if you cling to old beliefs and values. You may experience power struggles around money or possessions, or encounter people who challenge your sense of self-worth or values.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the second house can be a time of great change and transformation in your relationship with money, possessions, and self-worth. It can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding time, as you learn to let go of old patterns and beliefs and step into a new version of yourself. It's important to stay grounded and take care of yourself emotionally and financially during this transit.

Aquarius Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 1st House

During Pluto's transit through the first house, you may feel a deep need to re-evaluate your self-image, your goals, and your identity. You may feel like shedding your old skin and stepping into a new version of yourself. This can be a powerful time for self-discovery, and you may find yourself exploring new interests, relationships, or career paths.

However, Pluto's influence can also be destabilizing and bring up issues from the past that you may have buried or avoided. This transit can bring up unresolved emotional wounds, and you may need to confront and process these feelings before moving forward. You may also experience power struggles in your relationships or encounter people who challenge your sense of self.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the first house can be a transformative and powerful time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and physically.

Pisces Sun & Rising

Pluto Transiting 12th House

During Pluto's transit through the twelfth house, you may feel a strong urge to explore your innermost self and your spiritual beliefs. You may be drawn to introspection and self-reflection, and may feel a need to confront and resolve old emotional wounds and patterns of behavior. Additionally, you may experience a desire to connect with your innermost self and your higher power, or may feel a need to explore spiritual practices and beliefs that resonate with you.

However, Pluto's influence in the twelfth house can also bring up unresolved emotional issues related to past trauma, subconscious fears, and patterns of self-sabotage. You may confront issues related to your shadow self or may experience intense emotional purging and release. You may also need to let go of old patterns of behavior and beliefs that no longer serve your growth and development.

Pluto's transit through the twelfth house can also be a time of deep personal transformation and growth. You may become more aware of your own spiritual path and beliefs, and may seek out new forms of spiritual practice or self-care. Additionally, you may develop a deeper sense of compassion and empathy for yourself and others, as you confront and overcome old patterns of self-judgment and criticism.

Overall, Pluto's transit through the twelfth house can be a powerful and transformative time in your life. It can help you break free from old patterns and beliefs around emotional healing, spiritual growth, and self-discovery, and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your connection to the divine. However, it's important to be aware of the challenges that may arise during this transit and to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally.


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